
Yb:YAG Crystals

Yb:YAG Crystals

Doping concentration

0.2–25 atm.%

Aperture dimensions

Ø1 – 15

Crystal orientation

c-cut [111]

Surface quality, S-D


Surface flatness, P-V

<λ/10 @ 632.8 nm

Extinction ratio

>28 dB


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Ytterbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Yb:YAG) crystal is one of the most promising laser-active materials, suitable for high-power diode-pumped lasers and other optical applications.

Yb:YAG crystals have an 18 nm wide absorption band at 940 nm, very low fractional heating (<11%), very high slope efficiency (>56%), high mechanical strength and high thermal conductivity. They are more suitable for diode-pumping than traditional Nd-doped systems: compared to Nd:YAG crystal, Yb:YAG has a longer upper-state lifetime and three to four times lower thermal loading per unit of pump power.

Altechna can offer Yb:YAG crystals with various doping concentrations and dimensions, as well as right angles and Brewster angle cuts, plus high-quality polishing. For right-angle cut crystals we make HR+HT and AR coatings. Coated thin-disk crystals are also available.


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Typical Items for Yb:YAG Crystals
MaterialDimensions, mmCoatings, nmEnd surfacesProduct ID
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x2AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB05YAG-01
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x3AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB05YAG-02
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x5AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB05YAG-03
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x2HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB05YAG-04
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x3HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB05YAG-05
Yb(5%):YAG5x5x2Brewster angle cut3-YB05YAG-07
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x1AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB10YAG-01
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x2AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB10YAG-02
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x3AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB10YAG-03
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x1HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB10YAG-04
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x2HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB10YAG-05
Yb(10%):YAG5x5x1Brewster angle cut3-YB10YAG-07
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x0.5AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB20YAG-01
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x1AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB20YAG-02
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x2AR/AR @ 940+1030Right angle cut3-YB20YAG-03
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x0.5HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB20YAG-04
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x1HR @ 1030 + HT @ 940/AR @ 1030Right angle cut3-YB20YAG-05
Yb(20%):YAG5x5x1Brewster angle cut3-YB20YAG-07

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